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Church Covenant

Forasmuch as Almighty God by his sovereign grace has been pleased to call us out of darkness into his marvelous light, by the power of His Spirit and through his Holy Word; and, all of us having been scripturally immersed upon a profession of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by and authorized administrator; and, believing that where a company of scripturally baptized believers meet together in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ they should be organized into a body of Christ; and, having given ourselves to the Lord and one another, to be governed and guided by scriptural discipline, we do therefore in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ covenant and agree to keep up the discipline of this assembly.


We shall, therefore, endeavor by the grace of God, to strive for the advancement of this church in holiness, the knowledge of the Word, and its testimony before the world; to give to it sacred preeminence over all institutions of human origin; to attend it’s services regularly, unless prevented from doing so by reasons acceptable to the Lord Jesus Christ; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expense of the church, and its missionary program throughout the world.


We shall also endeavor to maintain family and secret devotions, and to seek to instill in our children a reverence and love for, and devotion to the church as being the one institution through which the Lord works in the edifying of believers.


We also shall strive to separate ourselves from all questionable amusements and all personal habits, which war against the soul and spirit.


We, furthermore, shall strive to labor and walk together in Christian love, and manifest the Spirit of Christ in all our dealings with one another; to refrain from all gossiping, and backbiting; to watch over one another in brotherly love and aid each other in sickness and distress.


We, moreover, shall strive to give the work of the church such a place in our lives that should we remove from this place, we will at the first opportunity unite with some other church, of like precious faith and order, so we can carry out the spirit of this covenant, and the teachings of God’s Holy Word.

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